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Fully digital video KYC
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Start SIP and Lumpsum investment with as low as ₹100
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Save, Invest and Grow Money by investing in Wealthchunk ranked top performing Mutual funds
Choosing which fund to invest in is quite often a daunting task for an investor. And an important task too as it affects the wealth creation process.
Choosing which fund to invest in is quite often a daunting task for an investor. And an important task too as it affects the wealth creation process.
Precisely why we have made this process
easy, yet effective.
Easy because you get the curated funds for
each of your investment needs.
Effective since we have used multiple
parameters to get you the best.
At Wealthchunk, we developed a ranking
system with the following parameters.
Fund House AUM should be more than 5000 Crs
Fund Size should be more than 500 Crs
Fund Vintage should be more than 4 years
Weighted average ranking of returns for 1M, 3M, 6M, 1Y, 3Y & 5Y periods.
With the applied filters, each fund is ranked and only the top finds a place in your portfolio. Simply put, you get the best.
We also review our recommendations every quarter to ensure consistency. Means, we will make sure that you will never ever lose out while investing with Wealthchunk.
How are we different?
Most of the Apps simply rely on returns parameters alone, while we have used other qualitative parameters too.
A regular review will ensure that you are invested right at all times.